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  • Writer's pictureLynne Kornecki

Collage Artist Leighton Morgan Remains Undaunted by Heaps of Paper Scraps to Find the Right Hue!

Assembling a colorful collage that will soon reveal an artful landscape is no easy feat for most, but Leighton Morgan thrives on the process.... Scroll down to see finished pieces...

Artist: Leighton Morgan

Town: St. Charles, IL

Medium: Collage

When Leighton’s older sister took an art class in college, the whole family helped her with one particular assignment – a collage project. Leighton was assigned to searching out the colors needed using magazine scraps and has been hooked on collage ever since.

With an engineer father and an interior designer mother, Leighton is someone who has quick access to both sides of her brain – analytical and creative. One of her favorite projects is recreating the façade of someone’s home using the medium of collage.

Her artistic inspiration, after living out West, remains the colors of the sky. She says, “People don’t appreciate how pretty the natural world is, and I try to capture that with my work. Taking a walk outside and noticing what’s around me, makes me want to collage it.”

Luckily, she has quite the collection of old magazines at the ready to sift through when searching for the colors she needs. Her biggest challenge, she says, is simply finding the time because of her busy day job.

“Once I start a project, I get so engrossed and obviously did a lot of collage work during our quarantine. I find the entire process peaceful and therapeutic. I’ve dabbled in other types of art, such as photography, which makes appearances in my Instagram page, but collage is my focus for now.”

Find her work on Etsy: LeightMorArtworks - Etsy

Instagram @LeightmorArt

House collage by Leighton adjacent to its reference photo.

Desert Telephone Wires; collage by Leighton

Mountain Lake, collage by Leighton

Layered Flowers; collage by Leighton

Collage artist, Leighton Morgan, poses with her recent hummingbird collage which was in the juried ON THE WING exhibit at Fine Line Creative Arts Center which closed August 30, 2022.


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