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  • Writer's pictureLynne Kornecki

From Bulgaria to the U.S. This Young Artist Can Now Embrace & Express Her Inner Art Entrepreneur

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Maria Ananieva, formerly of Bulgaria, poses with her pink floral creation saying, "I've been told this looks like I painted myself in the form of a flower."

Artist Name: Maria Ananieva

Town: Bloomingdale, IL

Mediums: Oil painting; Charcoal

Favorite Subjects: Florals, Figurative drawing, Portraits

Art Education: Graphic Design; Fine Art

Inspiration: Observing the rich colors and patterns naturally occurring in Nature; and seeing the work of other artists whether in a museum or on social media.

Now 22, after arriving in the United States with her parents from Bulgaria at age 17, Maria is keenly aware of the many advantages here.

Discussing her art journey in impeccable English, she says, “The cultures between the two countries are so different that I could never attempt to be a professional artist back in Bulgaria. Although art appreciation and art collectors are in both places, there are more opportunities to become a career artist here in the States -- to be an entrepreneur.”

And, that’s exactly what Maria is set on doing. With a newly established art studio in Batavia, where she can both work and teach classes, along with an active social media presence, she is laser-focused on accomplishing her many faceted goals.

Teaching is an important part of those goals -- both adults and children.

“Children are fearless – they have no rules limiting their creativity,” she says. “Adults, on the other hand, are more scared to make a mistake. However, we learn by making mistakes – that’s how we get better.”

Having only been in the U.S. such a short time, it was interesting to learn what surprised her after arrival.

“I’d been studying English both in school and privately since I was in the early primary grades,” Maria replies. “I also watched American movies which helped too. So, I guess I was most surprised by all the American slang phrases.”

And, any favorite new food discoveries?

“Tacos!” She says enthusiastically. “We don’t have those in Bulgaria. There are so many different cultures blending here that make the food scene really interesting.”

She sums up by recognizing her parents’ ongoing encouragement. “This wouldn’t be happening for me without the continual support of my parents – I’m so very grateful.”

Here’s how to reach Maria:



(The class link is in the shop)

Best way to contact her for questions, classes or commissions:

Scroll down for more artwork....

18" x 24" Oil on paper; $350; Maria says: "It's meant to represent how intense our feelings and emotions can be."

"COSMOS" 16" x 20", Oil on canvas board, $400. Maria says: "We grow these flowers in Bulgaria, but I've seen them here too!"

9" x 12" Oil on paper; SOLD; Maria says: "My favorite color is blue and this painting brings me peace."

18" x 24" Oil on paper, SOLD; Maria says: "This piece involves a lot of symbolism-- the flowers, birds, the complementary colors in the portrait -- like fire and water."

18" x 24" Charcoal on paper; Maria poses with her women empowerment art.


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