"Silent Prairie" by Allison Hausladen...scroll down to view more of her artwork.
Ecologically minded, acrylic painter Allison Hausladen finds continual inspiration in her own Grayslake, IL garden bringing native plants back to the area and restoring natural habitat. From trying to change local mosquito spraying methodology and management to protecting pollinators and other insects, Allison is an artist on a mission.
Her artwork reminds viewers about the many wonders of nature and the need to preserve, protect and restore it. She hopes that her backyard (and beyond) will be an oasis where living things can feast because of native plants, not just at a feeder, but on a flower.
Growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, she was a shy, quiet girl who enjoyed daydreaming and sketching while drawn to the impressionistic work of Cassat, Degas and Renoir. She credits her high school art mentors for teaching her valuable techniques with how to use both a palette knife and paint brush.
In college, studio art was one of her majors, but she built her career in librarianship and knowledge management, finding her voice while helping others organize information to find what they're looking for. It’s only been the last few years that she has been active in art again with an eye toward reminding others about all that society gains when surrounded by a thriving, natural environment.
One of her goals for her recent “Tiny Remnants” show at the Blue Moon Gallery in Grayslake, IL was to help spread the word about the new Homeowner’s Native Landscaping Act in Illinois that helps protect homeowners who plant native plants from restrictive HOA laws. The overall aim was to inspire her surrounding community to plant native plants and protect the creatures they sustain. Details can be found here: https://www.allisonhausladen.com/work/tiny-remnants
Her website gallery shows works such as “Black-eyed Susans in Snow” (see below) or “Winter Creek” as examples of her keen eye for nature appreciation. Her piece, “Silent Prairie”, is reminiscent of Rachel Carson’s book, SILENT SPRING, reminding us of all of the fragility of nature and the need to be responsible caretakers. Allison volunteers with groups dedicated to restoring prairies, and as she likes to say, "some of the things most worth doing are the ones we don't get paid for." So true!
One last thought -- Allison says that Art BEAT Buzz readers can find conservation opportunities in Illinois via the Prairie State Conservation Coalition website.
Learn more about Allison here:
Instagram: ahausladen

"The Rain Garden"

"Black Eyed Susans in Snow"

"The Cedar Waxwing and the Crabapple"

"Purple Coneflower in Black"

Artist, Allison Hauslauden, poses beside her recent showing at The Blue Moon gallery in Grayslake, IL.