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  • Writer's pictureLynne Kornecki

Splitting Time Between the Caribbean and West Chicago Increases Subject Choices for Watercolorist

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Prior to COVID, Barbara (Bunny) Holmes and her husband enjoyed traveling between West Chicago, IL and the Cayman Islands inspiring her palette well beyond the Midwest. She's pictured here at a recent meeting of the Wayne Art League where she is a member.

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Name: Barbara (Bunny) Holmes

Towns: West Chicago, IL; and the Cayman Islands, when possible

Medium: Watercolor, Oil Pastel, & Acrylic

Education: Retired; Past careers included registered nurse and school social worker

Favorite Subject Matter: Pet portraits; Still Lifes featuring vintage family items (for which she gladly accepts commissions). She also enjoys creating paintings with a definite “island vibe” inspired by visits to the Cayman Islands.

Artist Statement: “I’m driven by color and shapes along with the textures found in nature. It’s all about looking at the lines.”

Background: “I grew up in Westchester, IL and have been drawing since I was a child. There was nothing much going on in that area at the time, so drawing kept me busy.”

Words of Wisdom for Other Artists: Look at nature more closely and try to see things in a different way. Notice the intricacies. Many times, I hear people say they can’t draw a straight line. You don’t need to! The ability for art, I believe, is within everyone. Either it gets pulled out or it doesn’t.”

Where to Find Her Work:

· Until August 23, 2021 -- “Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow” was voted BEST IN SHOW at the Old Masters exhibit in Wheaton, IL at the DuPage Art League, 218 W. Front Street.

· Now through October 23, 2021 -- Norris Art Gallery’s current “Vicinity 2021” exhibit at 1040 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL

FISHY BUBBLES; oil pastel



CALIFORNIA CACTUS GARDEN; Oil pastel on mat board

LEMONADE STAND; Watercolor; pen & ink



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